Another till already! I found myself in the city yesterday waiting for Angie who had to work on Sunday so what was I supposed to do added to the fact that my drawing instructor Melanie had suggested I do a graphite till as a challenge. Hey Melanie, this one's for you.
Looking good. I wouldn't mind waiting there and drawing.
I am flattered to have this lovely till drawing for me!
It makes me think that with all of your friends and followers, you could dedicate a till drawing to all...
What do you think?
What a nice guy....
still looking good and fresh your till drawings are like the bar one's can´t get enough of them
Sandy- drawing takes the pain out of waiting in any circumstance.
Memi-I'll dedicate my next till to one and all, I'm working on a big scale one.
Sheila- I'm blushing.
Isabel- I hope to keep your interest, there will be many more Tills and Bars to come.
Thanks to you all.
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