I had this drawing in mind, the typical English village green and the red telephone box. The Tudor building in the background was built in 1452 according to my dad and I quote "That was built in 1452...or maybe 1542...no,no 1452 coz I was talking to this bloke, although he seemed a bit mental, it's certainly old though".
That's good enough for me.
Ahhh, a good old fashioned British red telephone box. In the old days there was one on the way home from every pub so you could call a taxi and have a wee at the same time. Them were the days...
loving all your posts of england funny enough I discovered one of those red boxes in Portugal, actually in a small town in the Algarve! London has gotten rid of them and Algarve is buying !!!!
These last two are so wonderful, Stephen.
Not only are the drawings lovely, but there a great depth to the composition- and they are filled with love.
Can I come next time?
The village green is very nice, I know exactly where you were... on the way to the Artichoke no doubt.
Any chance of a drawing of the "Billy Joel"?
I think I may have followed Hans into a phone box ... they all seem to have the same aroma. Loving your posts! There are many parts of the UK that have managed to stay (boringing) free of guns'n' drugs! Long may it be the case!
Hi Stephen
Thank you for following my blog.
Your blog is very interesting and I like the sketches on the go too.
I am visiting London myself tomorrow (a 14 hour return trip)and hope to be painting and photographing in between journeys.
I hope mine turn out half has good as yours.
Seeing that phone box makes me want to call someone, that's how much feeling it exudes! Keep it up.
Hans- you're a mad man but show me a phone box that didn't get wee'd in. Certainly not the one by the "Hope and Vine".
Talk about trips down memory lane.
Isabel- the phone boxes are making a come back, I'm glad to say.
Memi-I can't wait to show you what I did today.
Ed-That would be some kinda wonderful.
Angie-I will be drawing the "Billy Joel" just for you.
Stephen- following Hans into a phone box is never a good idea.
Trevor- thanks for stopping by I'll be checking to see your results.
Emikk-reach out and touch brother.
great juxtaposition between old and new, i love it
Nice work Stephen! the red phone booth is wonderful.
This Kentish expat in the snow of Massachusetts longs to visit Canterbury again.
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