Monday, January 28, 2008


back to work, back to the subway, I try never to use the subway at weekends as a special treat for making it through the week, but then again withouy it us Brooklynites and New Yorkers in general would be doomed. Cheery thoughts for a Monday Morning. I recognise both the people in this drawing from multiple commutes but I will never know anything else about them other than we head in the same direction at the same time. What's up with me this morning, by my standards this is a short story.


karen said...

I like these subway drawings... I'm not quite sure how you do it... these are all the same people that are on the tube everyday in London, I recognise them all... Great vision, as always.


Stephen Gardner said...

Hi Karen, I'm glad you like the subway drawings because there are more coming. Commuting is a universal truth, I think. Guess how called me last night? Steve Laity. It was great to here from him after bout 17 years.

karen said...

Steve Laity.. Theres a blast from the past..Ironically I am wriggling my fingers in a witty and sarcastic manner even as I type this...

Stephen Gardner said...

nice one

karen said...

Err No!