Hi everyone, this is my first post in about 11 days or so, I was away for the Holidays and it just didn't happen. I'm in for a busy year this year but I'm going to get back on schedule as of this moment. I've never been away for that amount of time before but I certainly enjoyed the break. Looking forward to seeing what this new years brings and I wish you all a wonderful 2011. Cheers good people of the world.
Dude! You're back! And with a real beauty! However, I would have preferred a spurious tale of an eleven day bender full of memory gaps and waking up under a bush in Mike Tyson's back garden with a bog brush up your nose. Far more rock and roll... Good to have you back dude!
This is fracking stunning. Something about the light and the bricks really makes it come alive. Welcome home!
And a Happy New Year to you too Steve. Jen and I have missed you for the past 11 days so we're glad you're back.
Welcome back!
You're the best at this kind of image. a perfect cocktail of spot on draftsmanship, subtle color and spontaneous brush strokes.
Happy New Year!
wow,this is great...absolutely...!
Thanks everyone, it's great to be back and I hope you all had a great holiday season.
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