I just found out that this painting was accepted into the Society of Illustrators of Los Angeles Illustration West 49 show. It's the first time I've had anything accepted anywhere so it gives me the encouragement to keep going on with this project.....and to the bar.
I love these bar drawings.
Congrats! You absolutely deserve it!
Blimey, an absolutely cast iron excuse to go to the pub as often as possible. Result! Fab news dude, no one deserves it more. And for me, the painting of Bill's will be even better.
Congratulations! I'm happy for you.
Congratulations!! I had the opportunity to visit the Society of Illustrators several years ago & they display SUCH stellar work. Kudos!
This was a real gem. Well deserved.
Congratulations!!! Fully deserved, you have made a great work!
Your work is so good, its so hard to believe that this is the first time that your work has been accepted anywhere!
Gosh! Congrats, mate! Love the way you capture the environment and atmosphere so well in your pieces!
CHEERS! All around. Good work my friend. The piece deserves some notice, I'm glad the SOI thinks so too.
Congratulations! But I noticed you painted most of "Angry Girl" out in the left and put "Hoodie Guy" in front of her.
Pure class Steve, pure class. It was only a matter of time my friend.
The effort was worth it ^^
Thanks everybody, I'm working on the next painting right now so stay tuned.
Congratulations and well earned!
McSorley's seems to be a success spot for you. First the Stevan Dohanos award, now this! You should go there more often.
thank you for sharing
This is pee wee reaching out to you at this moment of achievement asking you to call Sue and let her know I'm still face inward in the closet and would like to come out.
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