I got a bit lax with the posting again this week but it had been a little crazy. Yesterday I was at the Society giving a drawing class to these great kids, it was so much fun and over all too soon.
I'm starting this painting for an upcoming show, I have a few on the go right now. I'm working this one again today so you might well see it again tomorrow, life is sweet.
This is a scan of one of the pages on which I have a sketch on the Urban Sketchers book. "Manhattan has so many great bars and I've drawn in most of them. Drawing and a pint-now you're talking" and you can quote me on that.
I started this a while ago but only finished it this week, already I feel like I'd do it differently if I had it to do over. mixed feelings, I guess you'd say.
Here is my start on the inside of the bar, it's moving along quite well but this bar is long and dark and I'm trying to bring a little more life to it.... or maybe not.
I'm calling this finished for now, less is more and all that, I'm working on using detail sparingly, it doesn't come easily to me but i think it's what has to happen for here on in.
I've made a good start here but my goal is to try not to over work is and keep some edges soft, it's about editing which has never been my strong point.