So here we are a week later and I've updated the Bristens drawing and added in all of the suggestions. To see the first version click
Here Nobody spotted the thing that bothered me so much but the things that were spotted were just as bad. My problem was that the Fire escape ladder from the 2nd floor to the 3rd had no hand rails and also the 2nd floor had no railings at all. Brad,Eccch and Jane(who contacted me via E-mail) noticed the missing ladder to the roof which I hadn't, Ira spotted the missing lantern and lights, Styria thought you should be able to see the side of the ventilation shaft but this was not the case because I was seeing it straight on.
Anyway I went back and took the sketch from one extream to the other and included all your suggestions along with whatever else I could see, so calling the Revisited sketch "A" and the original sketch "B" which do you prefer?
Also, My friend
Chad (who suggested the bar was missing) just got the Stevan Dohanos Award at the
Society of Illustrators. Nice one Chad