Water towers are a characteristic of Brooklyn, one day they will be a thing of the past. It would behoove me to draw a series of them so maybe this is the first of many. Bars, nudes, water towers and people sleeping on the subway.
It is hard sometimes to know when to stop. My goal with these drawings is to observe the details but keep the drawings loose and sketchy. My main concerns from yesterdays post were the standing figures shoes and the floor of the bar along with the bag by the stool and the chalk writing on the board. Those things were necessary to the sketch in my opinion. Did I go to far or not far enough, you tell me.
This is a sketch I did at the White Horse Tavern that I have yet to put the finishing touches on, I'll do that today and post it again tomorrow. most of what you see here was done on site but then people come and go and the light changes so I stopped and began a hew drawing. Let's see what I can do with it.
This was an attempt to draw I friend of mine whilst I was in England. I was a little distracted so I stopped and finished it later from memory. I don't know why I think this is interesting, it's just for the want of typing something. I'm working on some more bar drawings at the moment, now that's interesting!
I'm sure she didn't have a face this long, I had my sketch book propped on my knee and had to laugh when i lifted up and saw how long I'd drawn her. Not every meal can be a banquet, it is however Sketch of the day.
i need to get back to Molly's for some more sketching, it's very dark inside but there is plenty of charm in this one with it's wood burning fire place and sawdust floors. Yes, well worth another session.
this is a place in Tulum, Mexico just down the road from where we were staying. I was sat up on a rock looking down on the the place but it was too hot and too uncomfortable so I took a shot and finished at home. So now you know.
Here is yet another look at Bill's as I move forward with this book project. I've got my 12 classic New York bars on the go as well as the other bars that have a more personal significance for me. It's starting to take shape but there is so much more to do. Onwards and upwards.
Here I am inside the Ear Bar, this place if full of character although this particular angle doesn't do it justice, I've got another drawing on the go but I'll need to make a return trip. The things we do.
Today is the day I salute the flag and become a citizen of the United States. I don't have to go to the moon to do it and I'll be wearing a different kind of suit but this was the most appropriate image I could find. It's been quite a week.
I had such a great day at the Society yesterday teaching a class on drawing to these young art students. It was too much fun to call it work, I'd do it all again today if I could. I really think I got more out of it than they did and I think I might have met some of the sketch bloggers of the future, it was so great to be around these kids I just want to do more. In the mean time, back to reality.
I was lucky with this guy, He had a great face and he kept it still he did, however keep his hands in his pockets(that's my excuse anyway). I'm off to teach the joy of drawing to some children at the Society of Illustrators this morning, I'll let you know how it went tomorrow.
This is a guy I saw at the White Horse Tavern which is another of the bars I've been focusing on. This chap is a regular, which is to say if I'm in there so is he. Another one of my solo drinkers.
Yet another New York classic, established in 1817 and located at 326 Spring Street on the west side. This place is steeped in history and I'll go into more details later, I'm working on some interior sketches at the moment.
Chad and I have gone drawing together quite a bit and McSorley's is our No 1 spot. Chad did the MA program with me at FIT, which is where we got the McSorley's habbit. Check out Chad's great tree drawing on his blog site HERE and for all other McSorley's drawings, click HERE.
Either a Harry Potter or a Grisham, page turners both. I'm trying to include hands in these drawings where ever possible, I've been avoiding them for far too long.
This guy was a dream come true for drawing. He was on the train at 14th st and asleep in a way that I knew, like me, he was Brooklyn bound. I had an uninterrupted view for about 30 minutes. Result.
I had time to do two drawings on our way home, this being the second and, in my opinion the better of the two. What's next? Yet to be determined but I'm going to be on the subway today so hopefully I'll have some sleeping commuters to pick on.
Tulum, which means the walled city was once called Tzama "city of dawn." the name referred to this ancient Maya cities stunning location: poised on a cliff facing east toward the Caribbean, and receiving the first rays of light at dawn. I didn't just copy that from a guide book, honest.
I got up at about 5am to do this before the Sun got strong. The sound of the ocean is a constant and as relaxing as a lullaby. Today we are visiting some ruins so look for that drawing tomorrow.
Staying in the shade is the order of the day, there is so much to draw here but finding a vantage point with cover is a bit of a problem, I'll try for a landscape for tomorrow but it's catch as catch can. Great times.